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The data and materials at www.drogsan.com.tr are for information purposes only. You can download the materials at our website without any limitation. You can utilize any materials you download for non-commercial personal purposes. However, without the explicit written consent of Drogsan, these materials cannot be distributed, cannot be changed, or be used for public or commercial purposes. All declarations in relation to the copyrights and other ownership rights in all the downloaded materials shall be preserved.
The use of data at www.drogsan.com.tr shall depend on the provisions of the Law No. 5846 on Intellectual Property Rights and Drogsan's written consent. All contents of the website shall be subject to copyright and may not be used outside of the conditions provided herein and without the explicit written consent of Drogsan.
Neither Drogsan nor any person or organization that worked in the creation of this website shall have legal or criminal liability for any error and/or incompleteness in the website contents or any consequences that may arise from access to or use of the website. No material or immaterial damages may be claimed against Drogsan or against any person or organization that worked in the creation of this website due to such consequences.
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Information provided in this website does not substitute consulting a physician or a pharmacist.